I am Praajakta. 

An Explorer at heart, a writer by design…

The Turning Pages of My Life


Florence School

We co-founded FLORENCE SCHOOL with the sole motive of providing quality preschool education to kindergarten children.  Being in the world of our tiny-tots was the best thing that happened. While designing, managing, arranging and participating in school events, being with kids, brought the most joy to me, while I learnt so many lessons myself. 

May 2017

Oh So Cold...

I still wonder what had bitten me, to have got up one fine day and book a trek to the Himalayas, when I had never walked a kilometer without tripping on my own feet. But that insanity was the best thing I did for myself. On the last day of the trek, it snowed heavily. And that was magical. It opened my eyes, and did a trick on me. As I held the falling snowflakes in my bare hands that night, I knew everything had changed for good.

dec 2020


The SAP consultant job that changed me a lot for good, but wasn’t really my passion. So in Dec 2020, after the first covid wave that changed the entire world's perspective, I left my corporate job. After a lot of short-term projects and freelance experiments, I finally decided to embrace what I always loved, but had disregarded it. WRITING!- one true love that stayed intact amidst everything that kept changing over time.


Willful Travel

Amidst the deadly 2nd wave of the pandemic, I set out to Uttarakhand and spent the entire wave living in villages that didn't believe Covid was a real deal. This was my first real taste of freedom. The following 6 months in Goa made me discover myself beyond my DNA info, name and the degree certificate.


My First Book

One day, during a nap, I had a daymare about writing a book. It seemed absurd at the time, but the thought simply won't go away, and magically I had some 30 humour stories based on my travel experiences pop up in my head. I spent the entire year writing and publishing the book. And the reviews I received literally made me cry...

My 30s

Life in a Nutshell

Since I realized I'd love to travel and write all my life, I have been working on freelance projects and travelling as and when possible. I spent the first 10 years of my life trying hard to survive, and another 12 years trying to do everything that would make my parents happy and failing at it miserably. The next 7 years, I spent understanding, resolving my unprocessed emotions and discovering myself. Now at 30, I can say it's nice, funny and weird knowing me. And I love it like that...

The Turning Page Community

I am on a bunch of platforms doing my thing! Follow me here to read my books and my humour columns, be a part of real-time goof ups and much more. 

Humor Columns

Fun blogs about family life, travels and my goof ups.


I have 2 books and 2 journals that are meant to help you and entertain you!

Audio Podcasts

Who reads these days? they say. My humour columns for them.

Video Podcasts

I don't want you to miss out on my blogs if you are just a youtube person

Fun Bits

My travels, musings everything happen in real-time here.


E-books and Mini E-books on Gumroad for those who want a quick and direct solution to habits and personal growth