Want to change life? ‘Get Serious’ they say. ‘Build good habits, be disciplined’ etc. etc. 

Well, that is true. But you don’t have to make that long face and wear yourself out with the stress of building habits that will bring you success, peace, and personal growth.  This is a complete transformation series with a habit tracker and a journal. Enjoy the process and transition into your best version, laughing and giggling.  


Books in the Series

The HABIT Store

Consists of an array of small habits curated after a lot of experiments and tests for over three years. And THEY WORK! 100%!! This is the rarest of the rare books, where humor, comics, and self-help go hand in hand to bring in drastic transitions in life.

Habit Tracker

To track your progress with the habits. Note your own habits, or pick from the cutouts and illustrations that come along. 

My Journal

To write about your deepest thoughts, to navigate through the emotions and happenings of the day, or to simply note down the daily to-do lists. It contains a short guide to help you out. 

The HABIT Store


12 Proven Habits to Win Life

This book series is for all of us- the procrastinators, the ADHDs, the hyper-actives, the under-actives, the beginners… Everyone who doesn’t want to stress out creating a life of their dreams, everyone who wants to fall in love with the life they want to build. No long scientific lectures, just fun learning from failures.


This book will not just give you a list of habits you should start building today. It will help you make the habits stick. Never in the history of self-help, might have comics come so handy to self-improve. But in this series, they do. Leave no stone unturned to be your best version!

Habit Tracker

More Than Just a Habit Tracker Calendar



  • 12+1 Months Tracker: This 131-page tracker journal consists of black and white, 55 weekly sheets of habit tracker. You can track 10 habits at once. The additional 1-month tracker helps you track some additional time and won’t run out of pages just because your year has ended.
  • A habit-building guide: The journal consists of a 3-page guide at the start to help you understand how you must build the habits you want to cultivate. No science bombardment; teaches you with a simple example.
  • Habit cutouts: Out of Sight is out of mind! Cutouts of illustrations of habits on the last 4 pages, so that you can cut out the habits that resonate with you and stick them on your board.
  • Goal setting system: Habits are not a one-day affair. It all comes down to designing easy-to-follow systems. 4 pages dedicated to designing your habits and goals system.
  • Brainstorm Guide: This goal tracker comes with a dedicated page for weekly reflections, so that you note down your honest observations, and improve week by week.
  • Convenient: Perfect shape and size to carry around anywhere and make tracking easy.
  • The perfect gift: This stunning habit recording notebook is a fantastic gift idea for a birthday, or any other special occasion. Gift it to yourself, or your loved ones and take a massive step towards becoming the best self!

My Journal



105 ruled pages, 3-month journey to the transformed self, a diary for men and women, with tips and writing prompts inside.


  • High-quality Journal: A professional, high-quality book to provide you with a great writing experience.
  • Easy to Carry: The journal is of perfect size and shape so that you can carry it anywhere.  It is portable and suitable for note-taking, journaling, teaching, or any other documenting you want to do.
  • Writing prompt: You don’t have to stress out what to write in the journal. The first page is done for you.
  • Journaling Guide: The importance of journaling (taken from the first book in the HABITS series: THE HABIT STORE) is printed on the first page to motivate you to write in the journal.
  • The Perfect Gift: This could be your 100-day project of healing or your best friend in the form of a diary. The journal consists of 105 pages, with a new page dedicated to a new day.

Perks of Keeping the HABIT Books by your Bedside


Incorporate the most important habits into your tight schedules.

 Get back on track without guilt-tripping yourself. 


Don’t have to be dependent on motivation to stick to the habits.





The cut-outs, illustrations, and comics will make the habits fun and easy to remember and follow.





Yes, They can! Habits can be changed anytime, at any point in time. All you need is a lot of patience to go slow, and willpower to follow through every day.

I don’t think so. You can have personality traits that feel like they get passed on genetically which may trigger you to fall into the same habits. But habits are something that we as humans can totally control.

Habits are a result of cue->action->reward. Once your brain realises the satisfaction and the reward it gets, it just becomes automatic, isrrespective of wheter you are still getting the reward which is why all your habits, should be evaluated every now and then.


For instance, here’s a current example.


One cold morning in Office, I had an intense brainstorming assignment to take up. It was cold, so I went out for tea and started working after that. Since then, every morning it feels like I cannot start a brainy task without having tea. It doesn’t matter if I had tea before coming to the office, or had something else to drink. On weekends, I might have an important task to do, but I am at home, which is a different environment, and I don’t even remember to drink tea.


Our habits are mostly a result of the environment. Therefore, if you want to change your habit, first change the environment. That’s the fastest way to break a habit.

The most important self-improvement habits according to me are gratitude practices, upskilling and exercise. But there’s a huge scope to what habits can prove instrumental to each one as per their lifestyle and goals.

Habits become an addiction when they stop serving you and you have absolutely no control over them even when you know that they are creating more harm to you than good.

I find the habits of a self talk at night and morning to be the most productive. They help me set my intentions for the next day right and have a good day effortlessly.


Another one exercise. I am not really a gym person, so squeezing in exercise minutes in between is what I love the most.


There are a bunch of others that I find useful all my book- THE HABIT STORE

Habits are important because, they automate a major chunk of tasks you  need for succeeding at life. Having good habits means that you have more free time to do things that demand brainstorming or change. 


A good life’s built one day at a time. Habits are the way you win one day at a time.

Habits are hard to break because your system has got used to get the reward that bad habits provide you, irrespective of their adverse effects on you.


Our brains connects the dots between the cue, the environment, your behaviour an the rewards. Repeating it over an over, establishes a firm pathway. The more solid it gets, the more difficult to break it gets.

Journal Writing is good for you because, writing is the best way to express your unexpressed thoughts. When you write down your feelings, you gain a clarity. Journal writing clears the fog in the head you never knew you had, thus making you easy to make decisions or resolve those complex emotions.

Yes! Habit trackers are extremely useful. It has been my experience that when you I put a big bright tick mark on the tracker in front of the task that had been giving a tough time, it provides me with the reward, the adrenaline rush, the dopamine that we are all chasing. When it feels good, the brain wants you to keep doing it and that’s how you make habits stick.